One on One Coaching Programs

Coach with Tony
Program Fee: US$1,997.00
Coach with Tori
Program Fee: US$1,997.00

One on One Coaching in a Nutshell

Coaching with Tony or Tori on a personal, one on one basis is a journey of empowerment that begins by meeting you exactly where you are in your life right now, today. It is a partnership where the coach and the client are co-equals, and where the client is on the driver seat and the coach is the navigator.

They begin by understanding the client’s world, understanding the past, processing the present, and looking to the future.

Common Areas of Life This Program Helps

  • Emotional Pains
  • Fear that gets in the way
  • Frequent bursts of anger
  • Overwhelm
  • Debilitating Self Doubt and/or Self Image
  • Relationship Conflicts – personal and/or professional
  • Couples wanting to save their marriage
  • Crippling Procrastination
  • Escapist Behaviors such as addiction to video games, gambling, or medicating with food
  • Mental Focus
  • Negativity Bias – Your bias to what’s lacking, what’s not working, what you’re not getting, etc.
  • Achieving the next goal of your life
  • Clarity on pressing life issues, or clarity on decisions and plans for the future
  • Communication styles
  • Leadership styles

Read on to find out whether this program is for you

If Your Answer is Yes to three or more to the following, then this program is For You

  • You are hungry for more, desperate for positive change, or you’re doing great and wants to get to the next level of your life
  • You allow and are comfortable to get your old beliefs and habits challenged
  • You desire to shed the “old” you
  • You desire to go through the painful, but worth it process of transformation
  • You are invested AND committed in your personal development and you make no excuses for your results
  • You have been telling yourself “enough is enough”, “I’ve had enough” more frequently lately
  • You desire to take the driver seat of your life
  • You desire breakthrough but do not know where to start, what to do, and how to do it.
  • You desire to build up on the great things you got going right now and desire the support of someone who is trained to see your blind spots

If Your Answer is Yes to ANY of the following, then this program is NOT For You

  • You just want to try getting coached for kicks
  • You are not serious enough, and clear enough with what you want
  • You only want to dabble and experience for yourself what this is about
  • You are a coach yourself and you want to see how others do it
  • You only want the result but not the hard work
  • You are looking for a magic pill that will make your challenges and issues go away instantly
  • You want your results to come from your coach, and not from your own actions
  • You are uncoachable. You do not take feedback as a way to improve
  • You are not invested in yourself
  • You only want free service
  • You are not committed to your own success
  • You want things to change but you want to stay the way you are

What People We Served Say About Us

What’s In It For You

  • Gain absolute clarity and confidence in facing your challenges
  • Identify old beliefs that are holding you down
  • Rewire your old perceptions to enable you to thrive in your current reality
  • Gain life skills you can take with your for the rest of your life
  • Mental and Emotional Toughness that enables you to tackle life’s curved balls with confidence
  • Get on track and stay focused in achieving your goal
  • Help heal relationships
  • Gain advantage by knowing how the mind works and how to use it for good


  • 12 Weekly, 60-Minute Sessions
  • Weekly Touch Base in Between Sessions
  • NLP Strategies and Techniques
  • Strategic Intervention Strategies and Techniques
  • Delivered Remotely via Zoom
  • Coach – Client Confidentiality Guarantee

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